✓ Finished the Front Gate
Several months ago I had acquired, fitted and replaced all of the vinyl pickets in the main gate and the pedestrian gate off to the side. Sandy and Winky had helped by painting much of the frame, but painting the trim work was still required. The thought of it sitting unfinished all this time had been plaguing me. Finally, some sweet, blessed relief!
✓ Repainted Gate Lights
Now that the front gate was freshly painted, we could not very well have those old, sun-faded light fixtures, on which spiders had ensconced themselves inside lavish webs, offending the eyes of passersby. Overcoming my fear of electricity to disconnect the fixtures, I was able to disrupt the spiders’ way of life and brush away their livelihoods – much like a government does with responsible, high-intensity strength training business owners who are lumped into the same category as sweaty and contaminated, over-crowded big box gyms – argh! Next, I painted the fixtures while Sandy (on her work-from-home lunch break) was kind enough wash the glass. Finally, I reinstalled all of the above without getting zapped, not even once.
✓ Replaced Tricycle Work Truck Batteries.
After years of faithful service, the batteries in the 3-wheel electric work truck gave-up the ghost and needed replacing. This trike has been a back-saving godsend. I am not 100% sure that I would still be able to walk upright had it not been for this handy little helper. Did I mention that I don’t like playing with electricity?
✓ Cleaned Garage Lights
More spiders, more glass, but no painting or electrical work. Also, no pictures. While nice, the change was not very dramatic.
✓ Winterized Hen House
The hen house gets a winter makeover just in time for spring and summer!
✓ Built Grate Box and Installed Drains
OK, this was a big deal. You are looking at 2-mile long trench, 18 feet deep through solid granite!
That was a lie, but that is what it felt like to dig it out. In reality it is 40 feet long and 12-24 inches deep through DG and fill dirt. I’m sure everyone has had the problem where your yard gets re-graded and unbeknownst to you; your old drainage pipes and grate get buried under two feet of DG. I mean, who hasn’t had this problem?
✓ Started Painting Guest Bed
You will have to check-in again next week to see how the bed turns out… Next up, finishing the bed, raising the hen house up off the ground, and lubricating the garage doors.