
Smarter Exercise is dedicated to making safe, effective, personalized, one-on-one strength training more affordable, accessible, and convenient.

We offer professionally instructed one-on-one strength training sessions. The methodology used by Smarter Exercise provides clients with the equipment, structure, schedule, environment and the supervised coaching to safely stimulate muscular growth using evidence-based resistance training recommendations; specifically, infrequent doses of single set to failure, high-intensity, low-force, slow-cadence, progressive-resistance exercise.

Strength training stimulates a variety of positive adaptations that enhance both physical and mental well-being. Our mission is to provide guidance and instruction for those who seek to improve their quality of life with science-backed strength training.

Smarter Exercise offers a simple solution: customize a plan for each client, teach them to exercise, and make it easy to incorporate exercise into a lifestyle which helps maintain a consistent program over time.