Chapter 5: There’s No Place Like Home

Another super busy week avoiding the Corona virus and washing thoroughly after each of many masked trips to Home Depot!

Now where did we leave off back in Chapter 4? Oh yes, we had just finished demo and had begun framing. Since then, we (Declan’s furloughed boyfriend Drake and I) were able to complete the framing and drywall installation. Honestly, I don’t know what I am more proud of… the work we’ve been able to do, or my remarkable estimation for the amount of drywall we would require.

Between framing and the drywall install, we had our friend (an electrician) reroute some switches, outlets, can lights, and ceiling fan; and add four new connections for sconces. While the electrician was doing that, I had some other work to do while vacating the room to maintain social distance.

Wires Wires Everywhere and Not a Node to Link…

As the one-time Sr. IT Director for Synteract in my former life, it was with great shame and embarrassment that for the past three years, the communications hub of my home was a chaotic mess of cables and wires. Finally, 1) the cables have been tagged and dressed, 2) we can use that closet as a closet, and 3) that infernal albatross if off my neck.

With the drywall up and the electricity back on, it was time to start prepping the drywall. This is where the project stands today. Hopefully, I will finish sanding and priming by the end of the day.

Finally, just wanted to share a few photos from the farm. By the way, not to brag or anything, but I made that potting bench last year. Oh, and Sandy and I made the screens on the side of the shed a few months back.

Hope you are staying active and busy.